Friday, March 4, 2011

College Hookups, Guest Blogger @jackielyons11


One of my very best friends (and roommate), Alyssa, asked me to write a blog for her this week. She asked me to pick a topic that she couldn't really write anything about: Hook-ups (obviously, because she has been a relationship for over 2 years. Good for you Andrew!)

Although I don't really have too much insight on this, because I was in a 2 year relationship up until 9 months ago, I figured it is something I could say a little bit about since I became single. I know that there are many definitions of the word "hook up" in college, so I am going to define my version of "Hooking up" as kissing.

I'm not going to lie, being single can be really confusing at times, but it can also be fun. The key is to definitely not over do it (kiss every person you come across), and to have realistic expectations of people (don't get carried away and think you have something that you don't). Guys in college typically aren't looking for a long-term commitment, which is fine - you just have to be aware of that before you start anything with anyone and know what you, and the other person, actually want. Having only kissed 3 people in the past 9 months, I am not an expert. But some things I have picked up on from my experiences and experiences of my friends after kissing someone:

1. Don't be awkward when you see them again: Even if it was a random thing, you should still have a short conversation with them if you see them around, or at least say hi. It's only awkward if you make it that way! If you act like a total weirdo and dive into a bush when you see them, that just makes them feel uncomfortable. And campuses are small, you're bound to run in to them again.

2. Don't be annoying: Before you hook up with someone, you should know what you are expecting and what he is expecting. If you want a relationship, but he makes it clear he doesn't - don't be a psycho and text him or call him every day. If after you hook up, he turns out to like you - then chances are he will let you know it, or at least make an effort to hang out with you again. So if you're not sure - then don't kiss him in the first place! If there's one thing I know about guys, it's that most of them really hate girls who are clingy.

3. Don't do it right away, be selective. Really, no matter how much you want to - hooking up with random people all the time is NOT attractive and just makes you look bad. I am really glad that I choose to be this way. Trust me, you will feel a lot better in the morning if you don't just do it with random people at parties. So, think about things before you do them - you don't want to wind up regretting something. It's easier to think about it and then go out and do it than it is to do it and then take it back (which is not possible)

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. *** BY HOOKING UP I MEANT KISSING, NOT HAVING SEX! haha I have not done that with 3 people. Just realized that people have ALOT of different definitions of "hooking up" and I didn't want that to be taken the wrong way :)
